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Division of Diversity, Inclusion, and Community Engagement
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New Brunswick Diversity Strategic Plan

A Phased Approach

Rutgers University–New Brunswick adopted a phased approach to diversity strategic planning to enable substantial engagement with stakeholders that were critical to defining specific strategies and activities that would support the implementation of the action steps.

For an interactive reading experience, click below. Download an accessible PDF version of Phase 2 of the Rutgers–New Brunswick Diversity Strategic Plan here.

Watch the NB Diversity Strategic Plan Phase 2 Launch.

Implementation Oversight

One early commitment was to define a transparent, representative, and participatory structure for campus engagement to guide implementation. To accomplish this aim for such a large and diverse campus community, three groups provide oversight. Check out Phase 2 of the plan to learn more.

NB Progress Showcase 2025 Ad

2025 Diversity Progress Showcase Slideshow


Diversity Progress Gallery - Phase 2 Launch

Revisit Phase 1

Phase 1 of the Rutgers–New Brunswick Diversity Strategic Plan shared high-level, cross-cutting goals and action steps that were identified to guide early actions and investments. 

female hand holds pen and writes a list of goals

How did we get here?

To support the implementation of the universitywide diversity strategic planning process at Rutgers–New Brunswick, a steering committee was formed with co-chairs tied to each priority to develop campus goals based on extensive campus feedback. 

Diversity Strategic Planning toolkit brochure